Is Massage Therapy a Luxury or a Necessity?

The concept of massage as a luxurious and enjoyable experience is no longer applicable. Some people view massage therapy as a luxury they can enjoy from time to time. For those with muscle aches and joint pain, massage is a must. Therapeutic massage can be a necessity, not a luxury, for people with myofascitis, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, and stress. Nowadays, more and more people are turning to massage therapy and consider it to be health maintenance and preventive care for their body, similar to visiting their doctor.

A regular massage is therapeutic or maintenance, just like changing the oil in your car, is necessary to keep the engine running better and longer. Healthy longevity is the goal of those who come. According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), massage therapy can be beneficial for relaxation, improving mood, and reducing pain. Research suggests that massage therapy for cancer patients can reduce pain, promote relaxation and improve mood, at least in the short term, NCCIH said. In addition, a new study published in Cancer Nursing found that slow running back massage along with routine nursing care can improve symptoms of pain, fatigue, and sleep disorders in patients with leukemia. Massage therapy is no longer seen as a luxury but rather as an essential part of health maintenance.

It has been proven to reduce pain, improve mood and relaxation, and even help with sleep disorders. Massage therapy is an important part of preventive care for those suffering from chronic pain or stress-related conditions. It is also beneficial for cancer patients who are looking for relief from their symptoms. Massage therapy is an effective way to maintain your health and well-being. It can help reduce pain, improve mood and relaxation, and even help with sleep disorders.

Regular massage sessions can be beneficial for those suffering from chronic pain or stress-related conditions. Massage therapy is also beneficial for cancer patients who are looking for relief from their symptoms.

Janis Veino
Janis Veino

Hipster-friendly music enthusiast. Award-winning music fanatic. Professional zombie expert. Extreme pizza nerd. Freelance bacon enthusiast.